


nice to meet you.

nice to meet you.

nice to meet you.

☻ About me

I'm James and I've been creating things for over 10 years. I value design that is clear, simple, and solves problems.

I have a broad skillset and have led projects from discovery to execution - from defining the problem space, to running user interviews, distilling & questioning data, to testing & then obsessing over designs.

☇ How I got here

I have always loved design and problem solving. After some amazing years as a session musician, I decided it was time for a change.

Since then I have co-founded a street food business, designed for a national newspaper and most recently, led design for a start-up that was acquired by the biggest food company in the world.

☆ Things I believe

Ask more questions

Be open to any idea, from anyone

Share work early & often

Have strong opinions, loosely held

Stay humble

⚂ Other interests




✎ Bookshelf

Articulating Design Decisions - Tom Greever (Currently reading)

Continuous Discovery Habits - Teresa Torres

The Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art - Scott McCloud
Do Design: Why beauty is key to everything - Alan Moore
Microcopy: The Complete Guide - Kinneret Yifrah

Grid Systems in Graphic Design/Raster Systeme Fur Die Visuele Gestaltung - Josef Muller-Brockmann

Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

The Design of Everyday Things - Donald Norman

☊ Now playing

that's me

in a nutshell


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